My Interests In Software Engineering

17 Jan 2019

Why I Chose Engineering

Druing High School I never had the thought of doing engineering at all. There were no interests in it, other than the fact that I’ve only heard of different Engineering fields. At first I was interested in the Nursing program, although it didn’t last too long in college due to my loss of interest almost immediately in the type of work that is involved. My next step was to consider the idea that I loved doing math and tinkering with things; specifically I like to explore and understand specific parts of computers, how they function, how the internet works, and so on. I’m usually at my laptop almost a good portion of the day, so I basically thought to myself that I should just give Engineering a try. Although I’m specifically into Computer Engineering, anything related to this may pique my interest.

What I Want to Accomplish

As I mentioned I chose Computer Engineering as my major and main goal to accomplish in college. Although, given my interests I wasn’t exactly sure on what I wanted to do after I get a degree. I mainly wanted to focus on getting things done, completing things here and there without a set goal outside of college in mind. Still unsure of what I want do, but I can lay down points or related fields. Though it isn’t final, I do want to at least strive towards understanding more about analyzing data and possibly internet security. Picking up a problem, analyzing it, figuring out how things work and what solutions that could possibly resolve a situation seems more of something that I’d like to gain in terms of knowledge. I’ve always loved the idea of problem and puzzle solving, thriller, and mystery as genres in many things so that may be why I’ve come to gain interest in these fields. Regardless, I’d like to sharpen these tools and utilize them in the near future.

What Should I Do Next?

I am still in college, but thinking about these lists of accomplishments that I want to get done will help in pushing me towards my goals. Though I am still quite average in terms of skills for coding, I do want to practice more C/C++ and Javascript to be able to utilize them in different situations. I could also possibly learn more types of coding, such as Python, when possible and needed; although having this in my list of tools will help in the future. I will also try to create projects during my own time as well, more so of an independent project to figure out where I’m currently at and how much further I can go with coding.